Very often we do tasks in a particular way “because that’s how it’s always been done”. However; just because you always do it that way doesn’t mean its the most efficient way. Look at all the task you have not eliminated and find ways of simplifying them. Most of us know we are too busy, but it’s hard to say exactly what we are spending time on. It’s also easy to underestimate how long we spend doing regular tasks; so the very first thing you need to do is to work out where your time is going. The key to delegating for productivity is not to delegate the tasks you hate or find annoying, but to delegate the ones you simply can’t do or know someone else can do better.

  • However; just because you always do it that way doesn’t mean its the most efficient way.
  • Once you start doing this for everything you ; you will begin to see that making very simple changes can bring big time savings.
  • Fortunately there are a growing number of tasks that can be automated, greatly reducing the amount of human labour involved.
  • For many individuals, the everyday grind of operating a successful company may make them feel confined to their routines.

To get the most out of any job, follow the steps outlined below. Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking about how automating could help free up that valuable time. You’ll be surprised at just how many things you do are unnecessary with just these 2 simple questions. Now that you know where your time is going; you can start to recover some of it. Now add to the list anything that you know you do on a regular basis, that are not on your list. The first thing to do is to turn off email notifications across your devices.

Track – Eliminate – Simplify – Automate – Delegate

This is going to make you a much better part of the team as well as simplify your day. No matter how productive your team is, your processes can still be made more efficient. In this video, Steph Hinds, Founder and Head Ninja at Growthwise, explains the steps to move from an efficient accounting firm, into a super-efficient one. If there are repetitive tasks or processes you can’t eliminate, ask yourself if you can automate them instead. Even if you have to pay for apps, the time (and sanity) savings might make it worth it. Then, let each task face the productivity firing squad (ugh, that’s not a pleasant image… sorry, Social Media!).

5 easy steps to recover lost time
and be more productive than ever. Remember however that while you can delegate the task down through your staff, you should also ask if they are the best person for the job. Instead of addressing emailing as a microtask that fits around your other work, take the time to develop an email checking and replying schedule.

Steps to Enhance Your Support Team: Simplify, Eliminate, Automate, Delegate

Set aside ten or twenty minutes a few times a day for inbox management. If you have some email related anxieties, this will be difficult, but eventually you will come to find your workflow is much more productive. You know your day better than anyone else and you know better than anyone else what tasks you just can’t do.

Eliminate > Automate > Delegate”/></p>
<p>They merely need to be able to do the job to a satisfactory level. If another person can do the job 70% as well as you could, delegate. The next phase, automation, should only be considered if the task is considered essential.</p>
<h2>Be more Productive in 5 Simple Steps</h2>
<p>If you don’t have an assistant, perhaps you can ask a family member to help you out from time to time, potentially in exchange for  other things (their own temple?). But if you hate most of your business tasks, why not just get a job you don’t like? At least that way, you might get benefits for doing something you don’t want to do. Every time you go through this process, there shouldn’t be much for you to do. This benefits your company and your personal life in the long run.</p>
<p>If seeing that you have a new email is going to distract you from your task at hand and consume your thoughts until you can reply, don’t let yourself see it. We’d love to show you how the Capacity platform <a href= can boost revenue, increase productivity, and ensure compliance. Karbon is the one system that everyone opens every morning, and our go-to for all information about clients and work that needs to be done.

A psychologist reveals the simple phrase to get motivated to do things you don’t want to do

Which of those processes worked, which needed some serious tweaking and which the guests are still working on today. Learn how some of the greatest minds in e-commerce are dealing with business issues, how they got to where they are today and some of the software they love to use. If you feel that you can’t get to this place, the problem is not with your staff, it is with you as the business owner.

What is a delegate do?

A delegate is a person selected to represent a group of people in some political assembly of the United States. There are various types of delegates elected to different political bodies.

Remember however that it could just as importantly be to spend more time with your family or pursuing your hobbies. So don’t just rush into adding lot’s of new tasks to your list, think about what your priorities are use the time wisely and in the way that benefits you. Get a notebook or start a new electronic document of your phone or PC, whatever works best for you. You will soon see how long you actually spend on common things every day.


Holding onto a task you’re struggling with over another you can do easily isn’t productive and can hold the rest of your team up. If you are effective at elimination – automation – delegation you should be left to work ON your business, not IN it. You can then look at the direction that your business is going, potential threats, new opportunities and improvements in systems and processes. The bar for delegation should not be that another person can do the task better than you (although hiring people smarter than you is a trait of a great manager).

Eliminate > Automate > Delegate”/></p>
<p>Learn how to deliver the most important information to your clients in the least amount of time, combined with a cycle of continuous improvement. Here are 8 convincing  reasons to take shorter, more productive meetings. There are many decisions that are best made by a member of your staff. Anything that is routine or operations focussed should probably be delegated. If the decision is reversible at an acceptable cost it should be delegated.</p>
<p>Having a workplace weakness can feel like you don’t know how to do your job properly, but that is not the case. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is a very important part of any team. If you have done your research into social media consumer engagement patterns, you will know that the optimal time for posting on social media isn’t always during business hours.</p>
<p>At that point, I felt like a newborn fowl who is trying to stand on shaky legs. Being busy made me feel like my new vocation mattered, even though I wasn’t a high-paid lawyer anymore. By eliminating low-value or repetitive tasks, you’ll get closer to your objective. If the answer is no, figure out what has to be done before it can be delegated.</p>
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